Creative Writing

Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School, Kanpur Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School, Kanpur Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School, Kanpur

Mother Teresa Mission Higher Secondary School has been conducting various competitions, talent shows etc., since the early 2000s and ‘Creative Writing’ is one of the most opted skills by the pupils. Each year the final creative writing competitions are conducted in July. Many pupils have developed interest in becoming writers, poets, and poetesses as they learn to master the art of expressing themselves with clarity and precision.
For grades 9 to 12, a thought or a quote is usually given and students have to build up their writing piece around the thought or quote. They usually come up with compelling coherent short stories/poems containing well-organised features, characters, dialogues and climax based on the topic given and wrote beautiful reflective pieces which are mostly original and self-expressive. The stories seem to reveal the whole gamut of human emotions. Moreover, the competition sends a message across to the students that everything they feel or say about a theme is worthwhile, thus favouring self-expression.
In Middle School, students are given a beginning line to form a story or picture to spin a story. Many times it is intriguing to read the ideas they come up with.